6:00am: Registration Starts
8:30am: Measuring starts at outdoor station
2:00pm: Measuring closes
Prizes will be awarded shortly after the close of the event.
The Elkins Fish and Game Club is proud to conduct our "Fishing Down Under" charity ice fishing event on Kezar Lake in North Sutton, NH. This annual event is held to generate funds to aid local area families in financial difficulty.
This year's event was held on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Kezar Lake in North Sutton, NH. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE LIST OF THE 2025 WINNERS.
In person registration starts at 6:00 am at the First Free Will Baptist Church hall located at 1533 Rte 114 in North Sutton, NH.
Note: While we make every effort at assure safe ice conditions for our event, the Elkins Fish and Game Club does not represent that the ice is safe in all locations on Kezar Lake. Participants are responsible for their own safety and to know potential problem areas.
NOTICE: The Sutton Police Department has generously allowed us to have parking along the road by the lake. Parking will only be allowed on one side, away from the lake, and no parking will be allowed on the road once the tournament is completed.
You can download an entry form below. By sending a completed form and payment you will save money on the entry fee. If you want to register on the day of the event, please download a form, fill it out in advance, and bring it to the event. This will help us process the forms more quickly and to keep the line moving.
Pre-Registration Tournament fees:
Adults - $12.00
Veterans - $8.00
Children under 16 - Free
Day of Event Tournament fees:
Adults - $15.00
Veterans - $10.00
Children under 16 - Free
[Children can compete in the adult class but must pay the adult fee. Children cannot change from one class to the other once they have registered.]
Children under 16 competing in the Children’s Category will get an award for participation. Children can complete in the Adult Category to try to win the Adult prizes but must pay the Adult entry fee.
Longest Perch winner receives:
$200.00 cash.
Longest Pickerel winner receives:
$200.00 cash
Longest "other" sporting fish winner receives:
$175.00 cash
$25 gift card to Sam's Outdoor Outfitters
The judge’s decision will be final for the determination of a winner in each category.
In the case of a tie, the person turning in the longest fish first will be the winner.
[Children can compete in the adult class but must pay the adult fee.]
Check-In (measuring) will be outside, near the public boat ramp, starting at 8:30 AM and ending at 2:00 PM. Current leaders will be posted at the check-in table. Prizes will be awarded shortly after the close of the event.
The longest fish in each category is the winner. There will be only ONE winner for each category. Winners will be awarded for the longest Perch, the longest Pickerel, and the longest “other” sporting fish (Crappie, Trout, or Horned Pout). In the case of a tie, the longest fish checked in first will be the winner.
[Note: A minor prize will be awarded for the longest non-sport (junk) fish caught, such as a Sucker or Dace.]
No Bass fishing is allowed.
All New Hampshire Fish & Game Department rules and regulations must be followed.
It is the responsibility of the participants to have their own equipment and a proper fishing license.
The decision of the judges is final.
The following businesses have generously sponsoring our event. Please reward their generosity with your patronage:
Preregister by filling out this form and sending check or money order to
Fishing Down Under
c/o Elkins Fish & Game Club
PO Box 3
Elkins, NH 03233
ice_fishing_entry_form (pdf)
Largest Pickerel - 21 5/8" - Sophie Clay
Largest Perch - 12 3/4" - Tatum Philibert
Largest "Other" - 12 1/8" Horned Pout - Lily Gonyea
50-50 Raffle winner was Ben Forge.
Largest Pickerel - 25" - Heath Peters
Largest Perch - 11 1/4" - Dom Jundt
Largest "Other" - 13 1/4" Horned Pout - Kyle Cummings
Largest Pickerel - 24 1/4" - Logan Cunningham
Largest Perch - 9 3/4" - Waylan Beauchin
Largest "Other" - 10 1/2" Crappie - McKayla Larocque
50-50 Raffle winner was Ron Rheaume.
Largest Pickerel - 25" - Rick Cunningham
Largest Perch - 12" - Brad Walker
Largest "Other" - 12 3/4" Crappie - Andy Partridge
Largest Pickerel - 24 3/4" - Adrian Smith
Largest Perch - 9 1/2" - Deegan Whitney
Largest "Other" - 13" Horned Pout - Tristan Dingman
50-50 Raffle winner was Brian F. of Franklin.
Largest Pickerel - 26" - Dominic Jundt
Largest Perch - 11 3/4" - Ian Stevenson
Largest "Other" - 15" Rainbow Trout - Tom Smith
Largest Pickerel - 29 1/2" - Elijah Lucio
Largest Perch - 9 3/4" - Noelle Swanson
Largest "Other" - 10" Crappie - Owen Houle
Largest Pickerel - 21 3/4" - Bruce Beauchemin
Largest Perch - 10 3/4" - Randy Sherman
Largest "Other" - 14 1/2" Crappie - Justin Whitney
Largest Pickerel - 26" - Raegayn Brothers
Largest Perch - 8 1/2" - Ray Angers
Largest "Other" - 12 3/4" - Tristan Dingman
Largest Pickerel - 23 1/4"- Adam LeRoche
Largest Perch - 13 1/2" - Mike Robitille
Largest "Other" - 15 1/2" - Tim Leclair